Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Year of Big Accomplishments!

Its already almost the end of February! WOW!!! Time is going by so fast!
Even though there have only been a few months this year, we are getting a lot of goals met; some have been planned, and some things have just kind of happened out of the blue!
    First of all, Ryan is back in school! YAY! And he is loving it!  He gets up and goes to class every day and he does all his work and studying without(a whole lot) of reminding. Ryan also is all recovered from getting his tonsils out. Hopefully this means the rest of this year will be a lot better healthwise for Ryan.
     We successfully sold the Truck, and now we are able to save more money every month! It has been hard to live off only one car, but it is totally worth it! :) The list just keeps going and going... It is so hard to believe this, but I have stopped drinking soda!!!! I thought it would be really hard to stop, but it hasn't been bad. Now i don't even want to drink one when i get thirsty! Even better, because i don't drink as much soda, Ryan isn't drinking as much either. We drink much more water, and juice, and other things that are much healthier!! This is a big step towards one of our resoultions which is to become more healthy and fit. Next week begins the exercise process, so hopefully we will be able to keep going!
     We are both so happy with life right now. Just living and working and LIFE IS GOOD! i just realized how many exclamation points i used in this post, but i love it.

.... We are horrible at taking pictures, but that is another goal for this year. Hopefully soon we will  have more pictures to document our fun times! .....